
At Averlo, we are dedicated to curating an exclusive collection of authentic designer goods that epitomise luxury and craftsmanship. We understand the importance of trust and quality in the world of fashion where replicas and fakes have become a prominent issue in the market, which is why we meticulously source each product from reputable and legitimate brand distributors. Our commitment to authenticity ensures that every item you purchase from Averlo is a genuine luxury branded garment.

Our team is comprised of leading industry experts who have formed enduring relationships with top designer brand distributors worldwide, allowing us to offer a diverse range of products that cater to the discerning tastes of our customers. From past to present, limited collections from a multitude of your favourite brands all brought to Averlo for you.

Shopping at Averlo means you can have complete confidence in the provenance of your chosen items. We take pride in our rigorous verification processes, which guarantee that every piece in our collection meets the highest standards of quality and authenticity. Our mission is to provide you with an unparalleled shopping experience, where you can discover and indulge in the finest designer fashion with absolute peace of mind.

Experience the assurance and elegance of true designer fashion with Averlo, where authenticity and luxury converge to create a shopping experience like no other.

We are here to assists you 24/7 so if you have any other questions or inquiries about authenticity, please do not hesitate to contact us for any clarification.



Certilogo is a leading platform that connects products with people, specifically in the fashion and luxury sectors. It provides a digital product passport and secure product authentication services, ensuring that consumers can verify the authenticity of their purchases. By leveraging advanced technology, Certilogo helps brands maintain transparency and build trust with their customers. Brands that use Certilogo to authenticate their products include Palm Angels and latest seasons Fear of God Essentials.


How it Works

Locate the label, sticker or card containing a digital marker, such as a QR code, NFC or written code.

How it Works

Use your smartphone to scan the QR code, or submit the code via the form on the page from the button below to connect to your product.

How it Works

Follow the instructions to authenticate or access the product’s info, content and services.

How it Works

Once you complete the step by step authentication process, your product will be verified by Certilogo, then it's time to rock the new fit.
